Get ready to say an emotional and action packed goodbye to our Avatar again. Today, we got the trailer for the last leg of the Legend of Korra series, Book 4 Balance. After the dramatic clash with the Red Lotus at the end of Season 3, the Legend of Korra leaps 3 years into the future showing everyone a bit older and definite resurgence in power over the Earth Kingdom. From the trailer, it looks like that's going to be a central focus this season. We also see Korra cut her hair off among some other changes of the rest of the cast. I don't want to spoil the shocker at the end but a big name was dropped from the original Avatar: The Last Airbender, series that has all of us asking a lot of questions. Take a look at the trailer below, The Legend of Korra Book 4 premieres October 3rd at noon on the nickelodeon website.
Fall TV premier season has officially begun and we're kicking off the last leg of 2014 with one of the most anticipated shows, Gotham on Fox. Gotham follows the rise of Jim Gordon in the city that becomes home to one of DC's most prolific heroes, Batman. Right off the bat, we move into the young Bruce Waynes origin story (parents killed in a alley, Alfred shows up to get him) and while it is pretty short lives, with out a lot of emotional connection, only time will tell how pivotal a role young Bruce Wayne will play. One of the strengths that becomes extremely apparent early on, is that the supporting cast acting along side Gordon's Ben McKenzie, is fantastic! Donal Logue plays a perfect hardened Detective Harvey Bullock, while villains Jada Pinkett Smith (although physically different from what you'd see in the comic) as crime boss Fish Mooney and Robin Taylor, as the sociopath Penguin, compliment their characters perfectly. We also get a look at the younger version of a handful of other notable DC villains, Poison Ivy as well as Selena Kyle, better know as Catwoman. As the story progresses, Poison Ivy's father is revealed to be set up in an attempt to look like he was the man responsible for Bruce Waynes parents murder. The stakes are raised as Detective Gordon finds himself in the middle of a conspiracy that's involved not only his partner, but his love interest Barbara, played by Erin Richards. While a lot of colors make the show feel pretty muted, there's enough twist, turns and betrayals to make this pilot one heck of a ride. Be sure to keep up this fall, Mondays at 8 on Fox.
After a surprising turn of events that removed The Legend of Korra from Nickelodeons Friday night premiere schedule, it looks like we're moving straight ahead to the next season, Book 4: Balance, a lot sooner than expected. As announced on the Nick webpage, two of the series creators announced that Book 4 will begin October 3rd exclusively to and the Nickelodeon web app. Are you ready for more Korra?
Also, The Legend of Korra has been announced to re-run Book 3 in its entirety starting at 8pm, Monday the 15th of September. It feels like only a few weeks ago since the premiere of the 3rd season of the Legend of Korra, the continuation to the Nickleodeons award winning animated series, Avatar the Last Airbender, and it looks like it's fallen on some hard times. Reports have surfaced that the series remaining episodes scheduled to air on TeenNick will be pulled from television after this episode airing Friday at 8pm and will instead be streamed on their website. A shocking move considering how popular the series was but it looks like a loss of viewership is to blame here. Also sad considering that Book 3 is considerably better than Book 2 but maybe its poor story line is the reason people aren't watching like they use to? We'll be hearing more of this story as it develops at the Legend of Korra ComicCon panel.
Anyone who knows me personally can tell you that I am an award season nut, I absolutely adore them, I treat them much like anyone would treat the Olympics and I love talking about who's won, who lost, who got snubbed and who needs to stop being recognized and this year is going to be an interesting one.
HBO has never shied away from the controversial and creative and with their new series, The Leftovers, they're certainly opening up the door to a world of both. The show that had it's debut at the end of June is only on it's second episode but it's content is what might make this series another long lasting hit for the cable channel. The cast starring Liv Tyler, Justin Theroux, Christopher Eccleston and a plethora of others, centers around an event of a sudden mass disappearance of 2% of the worlds entire population. The series walks a fine line between immediate disaster, it feels apocalyptic without setting itself in an indescribably or foreign time frame. People react somewhat understandably, given these circumstances and depending on who lost who, some have handled it better than others. These characters are moving in slow motion in a world that has suffered a sudden, inexplicable loss without any real sign or reason as to why and watching their growth and the decisions they make makes this show feel fresh. It's eerie, it's disturbing and it's damn good. The Leftovers is on HBO Sundays at 10pm. The amazing BBC series that propelled actors Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch into super-stardom has announced that it will be returning and will resume shooting for it's 4th season in January 2015. While that's great, that's not all we're getting as there is apparently a planned Christmas special that will be included as well. Sherlock, the series based around a quirky and off brand detective and his flatmate assistant John Watson. The series is known, not only for its great story telling and narratives, but it's wait period between season which usually causes fans to cry out of grief. Usually spanning 2 years between each, we're most likely going to the 4th season in 2016 but you can see Sherlock on BBC1 and PBS in the US.