Marvel and Sony struck a distribution deal for the comic book character, Spider man, to exist within the current Marvel Universe as well as starring in a brand new feature length film but the Sony e-mails gave us a look at some of the restrictions that have been drawn for the iconic web slinger and they sure are an interesting read. Through the never ending, nightmarish, Sony hacked e-mail scandal, Gawker published a piece containing sections that spoke about the character and how he will be portrayed. For example, under the first section titled, "Mandatory Character Traits," some of the requirements such as "Does not torture," or, "Not a Homosexual (unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ego as a homosexual)," can be found. There is another subsection beneath that pusher that a bit further, stating that "He is Caucasian and heterosexual," as well. This is also interesting after the controversy caused by the most recent Spider Man star, Andrew Garfield, in 2013, when he questioned why Peter Parker could not be portrayed as possibly bi-sexual or gay and star alongside a male love interest. The only possible way that could happen is if Marvel were to publish a storyline featuring Peter Parker and a male love interest or, as the contract seems to state, an entirely alternate character all together, just not Spider Man himself. It's surprising to see how rigid and specific the lines have been drawn here but not entirely shocking.