The beloved Indiana Jones franchise, which launched Harrison Ford into the A-list as an action movie star, will have it's 5th installment entering its planning phases sometime this year at Disney after their purchase of Lucasfilms. With that, there's been a lot of talk over whether or not Harrison Ford would return to play Indy, given his age and involvement with the next Star Wars Trilogy. Sources have been reporting today that despite rumors of the movie stars Logan Lerman, of Percy Jackson and Bradly Cooper, of American Hustle, taking over the main lead, Robert Pattinson, most well known for his role in the Twilight series, could be the front runner. While a lot of people have reacted the way you would expect. He was great in other films aside from the Twilight series, Water For Elephants, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Cosmopolis, and has shown that versatility outside of the mega franchise. While nothing is confirmed, it wouldn't be incredibly shocking if they picked a younger actor so they could rebuild and reboot this franchise. Only time will tell if he'll be the next leading man for a beloved classic.
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