Earlier last year Nintendo announced plans to create a new console that would combine elements of a handheld device with a console and aside from their partnership with mobile gaming company, DeNA, we've yet to hear anything substantial until now. Junko Yamamura of Nomura Securities gave us a few details on when we might be hearing more about the new console. Apparently, Nintendo's plan is debut the device in the early half of 2016 with a projected shipment of at least 20 million units by the end of 2016. The rumored debut window would land the console right before holiday season in either October or November but, would certainly hurt the sales of the current 3DS and Wii U consoles our right now. In response to such, Nomura Secutiries lowered it's projected sales because "3DS sales have been weakening a little recently, particularly in terms of software, as the machine enters its sixth year, and to factor in a harsher competitive climate and what happened to other existing consoles when new machines were launched in the past." A concept for the console should be announced from Nintendo between March and May, prior to June's E3 press conference so be on the lookout for some big and exciting news from Nintendo as we look at their plans for 2016.
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